Freeze and initial validate LEXICON

I. Generate LB tables and LEXICON from LexBuild (or use the daily backup)

  • Use the daily backup tables form lexsrv1 or lexdev
    • copy Lexbuild tables
      • cp -rp ${BACK_DIR}/Routine.lexBuild/LexBuild/${YEAR}/${MM_DD_YY}.lexsrv1 ${LEX_BUILD_DIR}/data.lexdev/DbTables/Table.${YEAR}.release
      • Use ${LexBuild}/Tools/LoadDb/removeSuffix to clean up the suffix => Make sure remove illegal lexRecords with Eui = E0000000
        • select * from LEX_RECORD where eui = 'E0000000'
        • delete from LEX_RECORD where eui = 'E0000000'

II. Load the tables to LexBuild in lexdev

  • cd ${LEX_BUILD_DIR}/Tools/LoadDb/
  • removeSuffix
    => Remove time stamp
    => shell> <removeSuffix> <all> <dir> <suffix>
  • Make a copy of the data
    • cd ${LEX_BUILD_DIR}/data.lexdev/DbTables/
    • ln -sf ./Tables.mmddyy ./Tables
  • DbScript
    • 6) Drop tables: delete records + tables
    • 1) Create tables
    • 2) Load tables

III. Double Check - Work on the LexBuild in lexdev for the following steps
=> Generate Lexicon from LexBuild
=> Double check the frozen copy is OK!

  • Login to lexBuild
  • Use Post-Proc -> Cross-Ref to fix Cross reference
  • Use Post-Proc -> Db Output to Generate Lexicon
  • Compare the following files and make sure they are identical:
    • inflVars
    • InflVarsTemp

IV. Obtain the baseline of LEXICON

  • Make a copy of Lexicon.freeze direcotry
    cp -rp ${BACKUP}/Routine.lexBuild/Lexicon/${YEAR}/lexdev.mmddyy ${LEXICON}/Lexicon/data/${YEAR}/data/LEXICON.mmddyy
  • Make a symbolic link of Lexicon.freeze file
    ln -sf ./LEXICON.mmddyy LEXICON.freeze