Text Categorization

STRI System Options (-rv:STR)

  • Description:
    This option is used to specify different TC data set other than the default current version. STR is the TC version (2007, 2008, and 2009). Please notes that the specified data set must be installed before

  • Examples:
      > stri -rv:2008 -ci
      ROOT_DIR: [/Projects/TC/tc2010/]
      DATA_DIR: [data.2008/]
      DB_NAME: [tc2008]
      > stri -rv:2008 -p
      - Please input a term (type "Ctl-d" to quit) >
      --> Input: [shoulder]
      --- ST scores (x 1) and rank based on word count ---
      inpo|T037|Injury or Poisoning
      1|0.6696|inpo|T037|Injury or Poisoning
      2|0.6129|acab|T020|Acquired Abnormality
      3|0.5852|blor|T029|Body Location or Region
      4|0.5750|bpoc|T023|Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component
      6|0.5034|dora|T056|Daily or Recreational Activity
      7|0.5034|bsoj|T030|Body Space or Junction
      8|0.4924|spco|T082|Spatial Concept
      9|0.4833|medd|T074|Medical Device
      10|0.4559|topp|T061|Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure
      --- ST scores (x 1) and rank based on document count ---
      inpo|T037|Injury or Poisoning
      1|0.7226|inpo|T037|Injury or Poisoning
      2|0.6385|acab|T020|Acquired Abnormality
      3|0.6227|blor|T029|Body Location or Region
      4|0.5948|bpoc|T023|Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component
      5|0.5640|bsoj|T030|Body Space or Junction
      7|0.5314|spco|T082|Spatial Concept
      8|0.5149|medd|T074|Medical Device
      9|0.5080|dora|T056|Daily or Recreational Activity
      10|0.4802|topp|T061|Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure
      --- Overall ST rank ---
      inpo|T037|Injury or Poisoning|dc