STRI System Options (-it)
This is the default indexing option of STRI to index text.
> stri -p -it - Please input a term (type "Ctl-d" to quit) > lung cancer --> Input: [lung cancer] --- ST scores (x 1) and rank based on word count --- drdd|T203|Drug Delivery Device 1|0.7155|drdd|T203|Drug Delivery Device 2|0.7122|clas|T185|Classification 3|0.5497|patf|T046|Pathologic Function 4|0.5387|spco|T082|Spatial Concept 5|0.4841|imft|T129|Immunologic Factor 6|0.4634|clna|T201|Clinical Attribute 7|0.4624|qlco|T080|Qualitative Concept 8|0.4434|medd|T074|Medical Device 9|0.4411|fndg|T033|Finding 10|0.4402|aapp|T116|Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein --- ST scores (x 1) and rank based on document count --- drdd|T203|Drug Delivery Device 1|0.7653|drdd|T203|Drug Delivery Device 2|0.7486|clas|T185|Classification 3|0.6015|patf|T046|Pathologic Function 4|0.5904|spco|T082|Spatial Concept 5|0.5610|imft|T129|Immunologic Factor 6|0.5435|qlco|T080|Qualitative Concept 7|0.5286|clna|T201|Clinical Attribute 8|0.4969|ftcn|T169|Functional Concept 9|0.4949|fndg|T033|Finding 10|0.4932|aapp|T116|Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein --- Overall ST rank --- drdd|T203|Drug Delivery Device|dc