STRI System Options (-imh)
The default indexing of STRI is set to index text.
This option is used to index MeSHs, main headings and subheadings.
MeSHs are separated by "|" as in the following input format:
|MeSH 1|MeSH 2|MeSH 3|...
Please notes that only document count scores is calculated in the results.
> stri -p -imh - Please input a term (type "Ctl-d" to quit) > |Brain Injuries|co|Child Abuse, Sexual|px --> Input: [|Brain Injuries|co|Child Abuse, Sexual|px] --- ST scores (x 1) and rank based on document count --- menp|T041|Mental Process 1|0.8530|menp|T041|Mental Process 2|0.8253|inbe|T055|Individual Behavior 3|0.8092|socb|T054|Social Behavior 4|0.8026|mobd|T048|Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction 5|0.7077|aggp|T100|Age Group 6|0.6626|lang|T171|Language 7|0.6606|edac|T065|Educational Activity 8|0.6442|famg|T099|Family Group 9|0.6325|fndg|T033|Finding 10|0.5952|sosy|T184|Sign or Symptom --- Overall ST rank --- menp|T041|Mental Process|dc