Text Categorization

STRI System Options (-id)

  • Description:

    This option is used to take the input in following format:

    ID|input term

    This option is useful when indexing a batch of files. ID is used to identify the indexing results to the corresponded input term.

  • Examples:
    > stri -p -id
    - Please input a term (type "Ctl-d" to quit) >
    D0301|kidney and liver
    --> ID: [D0301]
    - Input: [kidney and liver]
    --- ST scores (x 1) and rank based on word count ---
    patf|T046|Pathologic Function
    1|0.5840|patf|T046|Pathologic Function
    3|0.4814|lbpr|T059|Laboratory Procedure
    6|0.4553|clna|T201|Clinical Attribute
    7|0.4404|anst|T017|Anatomical Structure
    8|0.4333|aapp|T116|Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein
    9|0.4286|spco|T082|Spatial Concept
    10|0.4071|bacs|T123|Biologically Active Substance
    --- ST scores (x 1) and rank based on document count ---
    patf|T046|Pathologic Function
    1|0.6175|patf|T046|Pathologic Function
    3|0.5570|lbpr|T059|Laboratory Procedure
    4|0.5483|clna|T201|Clinical Attribute
    6|0.5050|aapp|T116|Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein
    8|0.4849|bacs|T123|Biologically Active Substance
    9|0.4591|biof|T038|Biologic Function
    10|0.4559|imft|T129|Immunologic Factor
    --- Overall ST rank ---
    patf|T046|Pathologic Function|dc