Text Categorization

STRI Output Filter Options (-of:n)

  • Description:

    This option is used to show no output message if there is no output (ST scores) after indexing the input. The no output message is defined in the TC configuration file (tc.properties).

  • Examples:
    > stri -p -of:n
    - Please input a term (type "Ctl-d" to quit) >
    --> Input: [feet]
    ** Warning @ JdiApi.GetJdiScoresByText(): Empty legal text [feet]!
    --- ST scores (x 1) and rank based on word count ---
    -No Score-
    --- ST scores (x 1) and rank based on document count ---
    -No Score-
    --- Overall ST rank ---
    -No Score-|dc

    * Please note that the Warning message is from Jdi since Stri use JdiApi to index input term on the real-time.