Text Categorization

STRI Output Filter Options (-of:h)

  • Description:

    This option is used to show output filter help menu.

  • Examples:
    > stri -of:h
      stri -of:[options]
      output filter is used to display results in different format
      -of:c       Display results in cluster
      -of:can~STR Specify ST candidates in TUI, abbr. or name
      -of:ci~FLT  Specify cluster increment (default: 0.001)
      -of:cn~INT  Set cluster display number (default: 5)
      -of:d       Show output filter details
      -of:F~INT   Specified the field for output to display
      -of:F~h     Help information for specifying output fields
      -of:h       Show output filter help menu (this is it)
      -of:n       Show no output message
      -of:on~STR  Set display number (default:10; all)
      -of:r~INT   Set the round off decimals (default: 4)
      -of:sb      Set show result type to both wc & dc (default)
      -of:sf~STR  Set score multiply factor (default:0; auto)
      -of:sdc     Set show result type to dc only
      -of:swc     Set show result type to wc only
      -of:tdc     Set result type to dc (default)
      -of:twc     Set result type to wc