Text Categorization

STI System Options (-h)

  • Description:

    This option is used to show STI program help menu.

  • Examples:
    > sti -h
      sti [options]
      sti is a program uses ST to index text
      -ci       Show configuration information
      -d        Show detail scores for all legal words
      -h        Print program help information (this is it)
      -i:STR    Specify input file
      -id       Use input format with ID: ID|string
      -if:h     Show input filter help menu
      -lw:h     Show legal words filter help menu
      -o:STR    Specify output file
      -of:h     Show output filter help menu
      -p        Show prompt
      -st       Show information of all STs
      -v        Print the current version of sti
      -x:STR    Specify an alternate configuration file