Text Categorization

STI Input Filter Options (-if:a)

  • Description:

    This option is used to filter out Acronyms from the input. Please note that words with all uppercase characters are considered as Acronyms and will be filtered out if this option is selected. Uppercase characters are lowercased if this option is not selected.

  • Examples:
    > sti -p -if:a -if:d
    - Please input a term (type "Ctl-d" to quit) >
    Vitamin-food and FOOD VITAMIN
    --> Input: [Vitamin-food and FOOD VITAMIN]
    ------ Input Filter Details ------
    --> Input text: [Vitamin-food and FOOD VITAMIN]
    -- Words after Acronym filter [vitamin-food and], Acronym filter is used
    -- W.E. filtered words (3): [vitamin food and], W.E. filter is used
    -- Legal words (2): [vitamin food]
    -- Unique words (2): [food vitamin], unique word filter is not used
    -- Final words (2): [vitamin food]
    -- Number of scores: 135
    -- Total final words used: 2
    --- ST scores (x 1) and rank based on word count ---
    --- Overall ST rank ---

    Show prompt, input filter details, and use Acronyms filter to filter out capital strings (FOOD VITAMIN).