Text Categorization

StWsd System Options (-h)

  • Description:

    This option is used to show StWsd program help menu.

  • Examples:
    > stWsd -h
      stWsd [options]
      stWsd is a program for word sense disambiguation by ST
      -aw:STR   Specify ambiguous word (must)
      -can:STR  Specify ST candidates in abbr. (must)
      -ci       Show configuration information
      -d        Show detail information
      -h        Print program help information (this is it)
      -i:STR    Specify input file
      -o:STR    Specify output file
      -p        Show prompt
      -r        Use real-time method (Stri)
      -s:INT    Specify score type (0:WC, 1:DC, 2:CS)
      -st       Show information of all STs
      -uas      Use ambiguous sentences
      -v        Print the current version of stWsd
      -x:STR    Specify an alternate configuration file