Text Categorization

MLT Options (-h)

  • Description:
    This option is used to show the help information for MLT.

  • Examples:
      > mlt -h
        mlt [options]
        mlt is a program to tokenize MEDLINE citations by specifying field tags
        -ci       Show configuration information
        -h        Print program help information (this is it)
        -i:STR    Specify input file (must specify)
        -pmid     Preserve PMID in the first field
        -s        Sort output by PMID
        -o:STR    Specify output file (must specify)
        -t:STR    Specify MEDLINE field tag:TI|AB|TIAB|MHs|TIABMHs|ALL (must specify)
        -v        Print the current version of mlt
        -x:STR    Specify an alternate configuration file