Text Categorization

JDI Output Filter Options (-of:can~STR)

  • Description:

    This option is used to specify the JD candidates. Only those scores associated with the specified JD candidates are display in the output. STR is the specified JD candidates. It is case sensitive. Two formats are used in STR:

    • JDID format:
      Such as "JD031"
    • JD Full name:
      Such as "Drugs_Therapy"

    When JD full name format is used, there are characters conflict with command line option syntax and should not be used. Please use the replaced characters in the following table for the TC command line tools:

    '  ''_'JD112: Sports Medicine
    => Sports_Medicine
    '-''='JD111: Speech-Language Pathology
    => Speech=Language Pathology
    '(''@'JD099: Pulmonary Disease (Specialty)
    => Pulmonary Disease @Specialty#
    JD099 does not exist in TC.2009
    ')''#'JD099: Pulmonary Disease (Specialty)
    => Pulmonary Disease @Specialty#
    JD099 does not exist in TC.2009

    The JDID format is recommended for the simplicity reasons. JDI also provides -jd option to display the Journal Descriptor list.

  • Examples:
    > jdi -of:can~Cardiology -of:can~JD144 -of:can~Diagnostic_Imaging -p
    - Please input a term (type "Ctl-d" to quit) >
    heart valve
    --> Input: [heart valve]
    --- JD scores (x 1) and rank based on word count ---
    4|0.0251979|JD144|General Surgery
    5|0.0209033|JD030|Diagnostic Imaging
    --- JD scores (x 1) and rank based on document count ---
    4|0.0438102|JD030|Diagnostic Imaging
    5|0.0400007|JD144|General Surgery

    Index input and show results only in JDs of [Cardiology], [JD144], and [Diagnostic Imaging]