Text Categorization

Backup Procedures

  • Configuration Management:

    Currently, no CM tools are used in this project. The main reason for this is to speed up the turnaround cycle between builds. Without CM tools, changes in the software are managed manually. To manage software manually in this large scale software (more than 16K line of source codes) is mainly depends on senior, experienced, and well-organized developers. Anyways, CM procedure is not recommended and needed in this project.

  • Soft Copy:

    • Daily to weekly base:
      copy the entire latest software to lexlx1 with the date appended at the end of the directory, such as tc.tgz.051208.

    • Build base:
      A new build with some significant fixes is usually compressed and posted on the web for users to download. Such compressed files are stored under release directly in all web servers: lexlx1, lexdev, lexsrv2, and lexsrv3.

  • Annual Copy:
    Annual release are stored in ${BACKUP_DIR} in development machines (lexlx1 and lexdev) and all web servers: lexlx1, lexdev, lexsrv2, and lexsrv3.

  • Hard Copy:

    All releases should be stored in a CD.