Text Categorization

Legal Words Option

LegalWordsOption object is used to set the options provided in LegalWords Java object. Option fields and various default setting are shown in the following table:

NametypeNotesJDI (STRI) DefaultSTI Default
useMinLengthbooleanflag of check min. lengthtruetrue
minLengthintvalue of min. length33
removeStopWordbooleanflag of remove stopwordstruetrue
useRestrictWordbooleanflag of use restrictwords onlytruetrue
useMinSignalbooleanflag of check min. signaltruefalse
minSignalintvalue of min. signal2N/A
useMaxSignalbooleanflag of check max. signaltruefalse
maxSignalintvalue of max. signal510754N/A
useMinWcbooleanflag of check min. word countfalsefalse
minWcintvalue of min. word count22
useMinDcbooleanflag of check min document countfalsefalse
minDcintvalue of min. document count22