LexBuild utilizes LexCheck to check syntax, contents, cross-references on the submitted Lexical records to for quality control. Irreg checking requires a special procedure when exception happen. It is detailed as follows.
- Irreg Check in LexCheck:
- Source: ${LEX_CHECK}/CheckCont/CheckVariants.CheckIrreg(LexRecord, irregExpEuiList)
- Checking logics:
- find irreg|base|... or group(irreg|base|...)
- the irregBase must be a base form for the associated record
- if irreg exists in a recrod, all base forms should have its associate irreg variants unless it is a known exceptions (${LC_DIR}/data/Files/irregExceptions.data).
- Example:
abbreviation_of=regulatory B cell|E0746294
Please note that there is no irreg for base of "Breg" (variants=Breg|Bregs|
- Irreg Check in LexBuild:
- Use lexCheck to check irreg
- Known exceptions are specified in: ${LB_DIR}/data.${SERVER}/WebApp/Others/irregExceptions.data
- Procedures:
Step | Description
1 | - LexBuilder submit the new record
- The following error message will show up if not all base forms have irreg
** Content Err in variants - missing in irreg (Breg): @ [E0746302|Breg|noun]
=> Add EUI (E0746302) to irregExcetions.data if this Err is an OK exception.
2 |
- LexBuilder submit the new record without any irreg (so an EUI will be assigned to this record)
- LexBuild administrator add the EUI to ${LB_DIR}/data.${SERVER}/WebApp/Others/irregExceptions.data
- LexBuilder need to relogin to edit the (approved) record to add the irreg