
LexBuild - Db Outputs

There are two features under this category:

  • Backup database tables
    This feature is used to backup the latest LB database tables into flat files under directory of
    Six files are backup:
    • inflVars.bak
    • inflVarsTemp.bak
    • lexicon.bak
    • lexiconTemp.bak
    • newTerms.bak
    • user.bak

    This feature uses following programs:
    ---> $LB_DIR/Tools/WebScript/backupTables
    ---> $LB_DIR/sources/gov/nih/nlm/nls/lexBuild/Db/dbTablesBackup.java
    ---> the owner and group of generate files is root/root if generated from LB WEB since these files are new
    ---> the owner and group of generate files is chlu/etb if generated from crontab

  • Generate Lexicon
    This feature is used to generate Lexicon and inflVars files under directory of
    Three files are backup:
    • InflVars
    • InflVarsTba

    This features use following programs:
    ---> $LB_DIR/Tools/WebScript/GenerateLexiconInflVars
    ---> $LB_DIR/sources/gov/nih/nlm/nls/lexBuild/Db/GenerateLexicon.java
    ---> $LB_DIR/sources/gov/nih/nlm/nls/lexBuild/Db/GenerateInflVars.java
    ---> the owner and group of generate files is chlu/etb since file exist already