
Restore a delete record

  • Restore a deleted (lastAction is marked delete) record from LEXICON.
  • User, Manager, Administrator

Logic Details:

  • Restore logics:

    StateDatabase tableSet LastActionDescriptions
    SelectLEX_RECORD Select a record from deleted record list
    Restore  Restore a deleted record
    SubmitLEX_RECORD_TEMP check if the record with specified EUI is pending (exist in LEX_RECORD_TEMP)
    SubmitLEX_RECORD4 (Pending)update record with specified Eui
    SubmitLEX_RECORD_TEMP5 (restore)insert record into LEX_RECORD_TEMP
    SubmitINFL_VARS_TEMP insert inflVars records (from INFL_VARS) into INFL_VARS_TEMP
    ApproveLEX_RECORD5update record in LEX_RECORD
    ApproveLEX_RECORD_TEMP delete record from LEX_RECORD_TEMP with specified Eui & lastAction = 5
    ApproveINFL_VARS_TEMP delete inflVars records from INFL_VARS_TEMP with specified Eui
    DenyLEX_RECORD3 (Delete)update record with Eui and lastAction = 4
    DenyLEX_RECORD_TEMP delete record in LEX_RECORD_TEMP with Eui and lastAction = 5
    DenyINFL_VARS_TEMP delete inflVars records from INFL_VARS_TEMP with specified Eui
    ViewLEX_RECORD select all records in LEX_RECORD with lastAction = 3
    ViewLEX_RECORD_TEMP select all records in LEX_RECORD_TEMP with lastAction = 5