
Purge a submitted record

  • LexBuild provides two features to cancel or edit for those submitted record (waiting for approval).
  • To cancel submitted records (waiting for approval) is "purge". User can only purge the records they submitted before. This is the same as deny function by manager.
  • User, Manager, Administrator

Logic Details:

StateDatabase tableSet LastActionDescriptions
SelectLEX_RECORD_TEMP Select record from LEX_RECORD_TEMP with owner requirement
Purge  purge (cancel) a record from your submitted record list
SubmitLEX_RECORD_TEMP cancel a record from your submitted record list
  • 1 (create) -> do nothing
  • 2 (modify) -> 2
  • 3 (delete) -> 2
  • 5 (restore) -> 3
  • update record in LEX_RECORD with specified Eui
    SubmitINFL_VARS_TEMP delete inflVars records from INFL_VARS_TEMP with specified Eui
    ViewLEX_RECORD_TEMP select all records in LEX_RECORD_TEMP with specified mSignature