
Base Order Deployment

  • Background

  • Implmentation Procedures in LexBuild
    • Backup from official LexBuild (lexsrv1)
      shell> login to LexBuild web site
      • backup DbTable from LexBuild web site
        Post-Proc -> Db Output -> Backup database tables
      • backup Lexicon from LexBuild web site
        Post-Proc -> Db Output -> Generate Lexicon
    • Reload to Development LexBuild (lexlx1)
      • copy above database files to development machine
        shell> cd ${LEX_BUILD}/Tools/LoadDb
        shell> removeSuffix
        shell> DbScript
    • Deploy new LexBuild with new base order
    • Backup from Development LexBuild
    • Convert Lexicon and database tables (from offical) to new base order
      shell> cd ${LEXICON}/bin
      shell> SortLexRecords <input file>
      shell> SortLbDbTables <input file>
    • Compare Lexicon and database tables from last two steps, they should be identical