
Your computer OS is 64-bit.
-- install 64-bit JRE (jre-8u181-linux-x64) ...
java version "1.8.0_181"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.181-b11, mixed mode)

 Welcome to the CSpell Installation!

 Please read the ${CSPELL_DIR}/docs/userDoc/install.html 
 prior to invoking this script.

 This script will configure the 
 ${CSPELL_DIR}/data/config/CSpell.properties file.

 This script will create configured CSpell
 scripts in the ${CSPELL_DIR}/bin directory.


The CSpell uses or (may use) the following 
third party software packages:

 - The Apache Commons Codec (1.10)
   (see https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-codec/).
   This software is licensed under the Apache License
   (see https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
   We have made no change to Apache Commons Codec.

 - The installation script uses some GNU CYGWIN 
   programs that have been distributed along with 
   this script. These commands are only used when 
   this installation is on a Windows platform.
   The commands that have been distributed 
   include tar, gunzip, rm, find, hosthame, 
   tee, and cmp. 
   The CYGWIN package is licensed under the 
   GNU Public License. The entire CYGWIN package, 
   along with the sources to these commands can be 
   found at http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/

  | Verifying the installation ...                |

  This script has completed configuring the CSpell. 

  You may invoke CSpell from a command line. 
  CSpell is found in the ${CSPELL_DIR}/bin 

  You can add this ${CSPELL_DIR}/bin path to your 
  ${PATH} environment variable. This would enable 
  you to find and run this tool from any location. 

  In Linux, this would be done by adding this 
  path to your ~/.cshrc or ~/.profile startup script. 
  In Windows, this would be done by appending 
  this path to the PATH variable from the 
  "control panel/System/Advanced/
  Environment variables/Edit" menus.
     The CSpell are ready to be used! 