
CSpell Requirements

High Level Requirements

IDRequirement description
1To improve the state-of-the-art in correcting spelling errors in consumer health questions
1.1To detect and correct various types of spelling errors in consumer health questions
1.1.1Handle non-word errors
1.1.2Handle real-word errors
1.1.3Handle word boundary infractions agglutination (missing spaces between words) by split operation split errors (splitting a single word by merge operation
1.1.4Handle punctuation errors
1.1.5Handle informal expression
1.1.6Handle combination of above errors
2To develop a generic spelling tool
3To provide configurable options
3.1configurable dictionary
3.2configurable corpus for word frequency
3.3configurable corpus for word vectors, IM and OM
3.4other configurable parameters
4To have real-time speed on correction
5To provide an open-source spelling tool
6To develop a distributable stand-along too