
Virtual Microscopy in a Developing Country: A Collaborative Approach to Building an Image Library.

Ducut E, Liu F, Avila JM, Encinas MA, Diwa M, Fontelo P

Journal of eHealth Technology and Application. 2010 Sep;8(2):112-5.


Virtual microscopy is the process of digitally acquiring microscopic glass slides. The product, a “virtual slide”, becomes a digital representation of the microscopic glass slide. Virtual microscopy is an inevitable and expected technological development in the teaching of histopathology in medical schools. However, for medical schools in low-resource countries with developing economies, this advancement might prove difficult and trying especially with their limited resources. One way to address this problem is to form collaborative projects with educational institutions in developed countries. Medical schools in the developed countries in turn can expand their virtual image collection by augmenting it with histopathologic slides from developing countries. We demonstrate this collaborative approach of developing a virtual slide collection using an institution’s own glass slide collection and making it available on the Internet for teaching.

Ducut E, Liu F, Avila JM, Encinas MA, Diwa M, Fontelo P. Virtual Microscopy in a Developing Country: A Collaborative Approach to Building an Image Library. 
Journal of eHealth Technology and Application. 2010 Sep;8(2):112-5.