
'Ome Sweet 'Omics - A Genealogical Treasury of Words.

Lederberg J, McCray AT

Genealogical Treasury of Words. Scientist. 2001;15(7):8.


Genomics and Proteomics are the buzzwords of the dawning millennium. There is no counting of and sites to be found on the Web. That most of these terms, old and new, have been contrived as slogans to attract attention, does not diminish their likely substance, and they are embedded in the advancing edge of science and technology. Defying the French Linguists' caveat, we may yet ask, where do terms such as genome and genomics come from? What do the suffixes -ome and -omics, so abundant in today's vocabulary, signify?

Lederberg J, McCray AT. 'Ome Sweet 'Omics - A Genealogical Treasury of Words. 
Genealogical Treasury of Words. Scientist. 2001;15(7):8.