
MetaNetVar: Pipeline for applying network analysis tools for genomic variants analysis.

Moyer E, Hagenauer M, Lesko M, Francis F, Rodriguez O, Nagarajan V, Huser V, Busby B

F1000Res. 2016 Apr 13;5:674. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.8288.1. eCollection 2016.


Network analysis can make variant analysis better. There are existing tools like HotNet2 and dmGWAS that can provide various analytical methods. We developed a prototype of a pipeline called MetaNetVar that allows execution of multiple tools. The code is published at A working prototype is published as an Amazon Machine Image - ami-4510312f .

Moyer E, Hagenauer M, Lesko M, Francis F, Rodriguez O, Nagarajan V, Huser V, Busby B. MetaNetVar: Pipeline for applying network analysis tools for genomic variants analysis. 
F1000Res. 2016 Apr 13;5:674. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.8288.1. eCollection 2016.