
High Performance Connectivity and Communications.

Locatis CN

Technical Report to the LHNCBC Board of Scientific Counselors; 2011 Sep. 29 pages.


This report describes high performance connectivity and communications at the Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications (LHC), especially as they relate to the goals and activities of the Office of High Performance Computing and Communication (OHPCC) and its Collaboratory for High Performance Computing and Communication (Collab). Special attention is given to high performance computing and communications in the areas of telemedicine and distance learning, two focal points of Collaboratory work. NLM funded external research under three High Performance Computing and Communication initiatives is summarized to provide a context for understanding the Collab’s origins and the focus of its research. Collaboratory research and other activities are described in relation to four major goals and relevant research on telemedicine and distance learning is reviewed. The report concludes with a discussion of problems related to conducting collaboration research, the direction of future work, and with questions for the Board.

Locatis CN. High Performance Connectivity and Communications. 
Technical Report to the LHNCBC Board of Scientific Counselors; 2011 Sep. 29 pages.